January 19
2015 and a New ResolutionI apologize for the lack of new posts to my page. It seems 2014 slipped away from me quickly, and before I realized it, 2015 has arrived. My pledge is to do more posting this year. I have several in the works right now. One is on the possible location of Atlantis, another is a possible explanation for the Bermuda Triangle. The third is a mind-blowing theory that rolls Ancient Aliens, Alien abductions, and belief in God all in one.
One complication that I missed in 2014 is the fact that stock graphic sites have completely altered their payment amounts for graphics. Basically making them incredibly expensive to obtain. Thus, a consideration I am toying with is no more snappy graphics for each blog. I hate the idea, but being a lowly paid citizen, can’t afford fancy graphics.
I welcome ideas and suggestions on good but cheap graphic sites. As I search for graphics this week, be assured, by the end of the week, you will have a new post to ponder and theorize over.