April 2
Doomsday 2012, 2015, 2016….2017?As I check out some of my other posts, I noticed that I had one talking about the big doomsday theories rolling around for September, which at first I thought I was talking about 2016, because there were ALOT of them. Then I realized, it was for 2015. So, same theories, different year. And yet…here we remain. Same old jobs, same old worries, same old doomsday theories. Is this what humans are doomed to be? Worry warts, wondering when the end is going to come and trying to be prepared? What is it that makes us feel the need to anticipate what is going to happen, so that we can survive it and continue on? A past experience perhaps? One to many world wide floods maybe? Or is it an ancient memory for when humans were used for another purpose, keeping ourselves on the edge, looking over our shoulders. Who knows. If nothing else, when whatever doomsday happens, we’ll all stand up and go, “Oh THEY were right about THAT one.”

The Doomsday Nay-Sayers are at it again. This time targeting the end of September as their goal for the destruction of the world. It is turning out to be a pick your flavor doomsday scenario week. Whether you believe the Anti-Christ has arrived, and with him the Rapture, Californian Earthquake, Solar Flare, or everyone’s favorite: Asteroid/Comet, there is a scenario for everyone this time.
My biggest complaint about these doomsday “theories” is that many of them reference movies, like 2012, or Deep Impact as proof of the end coming. These are MOVIES PEOPLE, the writers put the same information that everyone has read from the Bible and Spook sites in the script for drama. There are no coincidences in a movie, no hidden messages that coincide with what was written down somewhere before. The writers put that in the movie to give it a more realistic and paranoid feel. Don’t use fiction as your proof. Get out there and find the real facts to create a doomsday scenario. Get news clips for your reinforcement that the end is near, or that there is a secret government conspiracy.
One theory on youtube.com makes an attempt by using a press conference vidoe, from I assume in Russia because no details on who was speaking were given, dated May 13, 2014, where the gentleman stated that, “…in 500 days we will begin to see environmental chaos.” Then the video flaunts September 28th and the Event Horizon followed by a completely useless video/music entourage of photos that aren’t related to anything. The problem? He never did his math. 500 days from May 13, 2014 (day 177 of the year) brings you to October 4th-6th, 2015. Depends on if you like to count the first and last day as “Days”. That’s about a week off. Simple details that can be verified but never were!
Personally, I’d use the fact that the U.S. “borrowed” Billions of dollars from China during our recession to help get the economy going again. Did we really borrow it, or is that a bill we owe for tech they are building. How about soon after China launches their own space station, which no hears about?
Time should be taken to review what is really happening in the world to create a theory of possible government/world conspiracy. For instance, what if China’s new island they are building in the Sea, isn’t really a military base, but a new launch pad for rockets or missiles to shoot people into space, or perhaps launch missiles at a comet/asteroid? Pick your flavor on that one. The U.S. hasn’t done any real steps to prevent them from doing it.
What if Russia’s incursion into Crimea is also to secure a specific site for other than military purposes. Could they need quicker access to a mountain region, or to the Ocean? Why haven’t they moved to take over the rest of the Ukraine yet? The Russian advance into Crimea was quick and decisive. Again, the U.S. has no real effort in deterring this. Two major nations, not really friends, moving into areas not theirs and the U.S. makes no move?
Bringing in real world happenings into the theories of what might be coming is the way to go. Not this California Dreaming style of watching a movie and then believing that movie is proof that the government is hiding something.

January 19
2015 and a New ResolutionI apologize for the lack of new posts to my page. It seems 2014 slipped away from me quickly, and before I realized it, 2015 has arrived. My pledge is to do more posting this year. I have several in the works right now. One is on the possible location of Atlantis, another is a possible explanation for the Bermuda Triangle. The third is a mind-blowing theory that rolls Ancient Aliens, Alien abductions, and belief in God all in one.
One complication that I missed in 2014 is the fact that stock graphic sites have completely altered their payment amounts for graphics. Basically making them incredibly expensive to obtain. Thus, a consideration I am toying with is no more snappy graphics for each blog. I hate the idea, but being a lowly paid citizen, can’t afford fancy graphics.
I welcome ideas and suggestions on good but cheap graphic sites. As I search for graphics this week, be assured, by the end of the week, you will have a new post to ponder and theorize over.

February 14
Doomsday – What happens now?Do I prep? Well, of course I do. I live in Alaska. Prepping doesn’t have to be a bad word. Anyone that lives in an area that has the potential for natural disasters should prep to a point that they could survive at least for 2 weeks on their own. I don’t feel the need to go to the extreme of building a bunker and stocking piles years worth of food. Thankfully, I live in a place that the community would easily pull together in a disaster, and not rip each other apart, like the world has seen in some areas. If you live in such an area, then I suggest you consider moving if you feel you need to build a compound to protect yourself. But your job is the reason that you live in the City? Then I suggest that you shouldn’t be a doomsday prepper because you have your priorities in the wrong order.
Whatever level of prepper you are, the Doomsday Preppers will always be around. They will simply continue on because prepping is really a sort of obsession to them, an addiction if you will. They couldn’t stop it, even if they wanted to.
Now, my concern? It’s a little bit natural disaster; a little bit terrorist attack. My biggest concern is that a Doomsday Prepper might get tired of waiting for Armageddon, and decide to start their own.

April 26
Government’s July 9th, 2012 TheoryFirst, you would need to know the devices DNS address. That is the secret address that every device, computer, tablet, phone has assigned to it so that it can access the internet.
Second, you would need people to voluntarily give you that information so that it would be legally obtained.
How do you do that? Maybe freak people out that they might have a computer virus and you can check their device for them?
If you want to have a conspiracy theory about the government, then this would be a huge one. On April 24th, 2012, the U.S. CERT site (Computer Emergency Readiness Team) posted that a criminal cyber ring working under a company called Rove Digital may have infected millions of devices in the U.S. with malware software that interrupts your devices transmissions through the internet. Somehow, the government will be able to disable ALL of these said infected devices on July 9th, 2012 with a magical flip of a switch. So, of course, one cannot have their internet dependent life interrupted, so the government has graciously invited individuals to sign onto a website: www.dns-ok.us and check to see if their device is infected. If you get a GREEN screen, you’re OK, RED your device will be dead. Now comes the choice, do you believe in the threat and let the government have your DNS, or risk it’s false, and then possibly have your device shut down?
One thing is for sure…any device checking the site, the government will have its DNS address. Once they have that, it’ll be easier for them to see what you are researching, where you are located, if you use GPS features, and possibly even see you if they can turn on the camera on your device. Far fetched? Don’t forget a few weeks ago there was a big up roar in the news when a school that allowed students to borrow laptop computers was spying on the kids by activating the laptop’s camera. If a school could do it, don’t hesitate to think that the government could too.
Let’s just pray my conspiracy theory is wrong, and if the government does store our DNS addresses, that they keep them secure and not have a computer get hacked into or lost.
You may be wondering…did I…go to the site? Of course I did. I’m not an idiot. I don’t want my devices shut down, and besides…I’ve got nothing to hide. One thing is for sure, I will be eagerly looking for statistics to be published at the end of the year of the estimated devices accessing the internet, including how many phones are in use in 2012.
Stay safe out there, and remember, keep your cameras pointed in a safe direction.
UPDATE 07-25-2012 Amazingly, the magic date comes and goes and instead of hearing thousands of complaints about people’s computer systems not being able to access the internet after the deadline, there are none. So, did the government over-estimate how many computers had truly been infected, or was this truly a ruse to simply get everyone to log in their internet accessible device to the government’s database?
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March 21
Are Orcae and Wolves related?Recently, I was researching websites at zooniverse.com, a wonderful place where anyone can help research groups sort through their data. One of the research sites was attempting to sort through all their killer whale song data to match family groups together. You see, Orca whales have whale songs, and utilize the same complex note to announce their family group, which allows other family members to find them. Listening to the whale songs was slightly tedious because they tended to be very pitchy. After going through several selections, my daughter and I realized that they resemble howling calls by wolves, coyotes, and dogs. Once we came to that realization, and knowing that whales came from land mammals that returned to the sea, I theorized if whales and wolves are actually related. You see killer whales have very distinctive markings, which are similar to wolves. Both have light markings on the underbelly, light markings around the eyes, a greyish patch on their backs, and hunt and live with a pack mentality.
After some quick research on Wikipedia (gotta love this resource of information) I was surprised to find that indeed, killer whales and wolves did have a common ancestor. This graphic from Wikipedia shows that the group Canis (dogs, wolves) and Cetaceamorpha (whales) evolved from the common ancestor of Erinaceus. How amazing is that? Other animals that share this ancestor are zebras, hippos, cats, and more.
I love that a simple theory discovered with my daughter could determine this evolution to be true.

March 21
Paulding Lights of MichiganI watched an episode of SyFy’s Fact or Faked last night on the Paulding Lights of Michigan and thought they did a descent job of investigating, and agreed with their conclusion that it was unexplained. However, I was depressed to see that students at Michigan Tech also researched the lights shortly after the episode aired in 2010. The big difference? MIT thought to bring a telescope to look at the light. Thus, they found it was indeed headlights. MIT was able to prove this by using the telescope to identify a sign along the stretch of highway for this specific spot where the headlights could be seen. Although Fact or Faked, had also ran a vehicle up and down the highway with no results, obviously they must have been in the wrong stretch of road. The further information that the light was sometimes multiple lights, changed colors from red to white, or flashed blue and red, should have been HUGE clues that they were vehicle lights. This info was never relayed on the tv episode, only that it was a “light” that pulsated and never moved, or at least that was the impression the show gave.
It is sad to find out that a mystery light, that I had even heard about, is indeed something as mundane as vehicle lights from a highway.
Locally, we have a hill near town that snowmachiners follow a trail on. Once in a while you can see the headlights from the snowmachine. When it is dark out, you can’t see the hill and only this mysterious light that doesn’t appear to move. Maybe I should start a folk story about an old gold miner killed tragically trying to signal for rescue. The point being, lights at night, are hard determine what they are from and the likelihood that they are supernatural or alien ships is nill. More than likely, they are manmade phenomenon that we mistake for something else because the human mind craves sensationalism.

February 1
Doomsday – flames from heaven“And there was seen another sign in heaven: and behold a great red dragon, having seven heads, and ten horns: and on his head seven diadems: (4)And his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven and cast them to the earth:”
Nostradamus wrote in Century I Quatrain 46:
“Very near Auch, Lectoure and Mirande
a great fire will fall from the sky for three nights.
The cause will appear both stupefying and marvellous;
shortly afterwards there will be an earthquake.”
The general belief is that the earth will be bombarded with a meteor shower, or a large asteroid. However, with recent solar flares, I have thought of a new theory for this sign. Solar flares send out electrons and protons through space. When these hit the earth’s atmosphere, the atmosphere actually puffs up. This causes more drag on satellites in orbit. Those satellites that are near the end of their life, have been damaged by previous flares, or are no longer controlled, can not have their trajectory corrected for the extra resistance. Thus, they slow down and if low and slow enough, fall back to the earth. This could even happen to the thousands of pieces of debris in orbit. Several defunct satellites have already fallen back to earth in spectacular fashion within the last few months. As the solar cycle reaches its height, near the end of 2012, the atmosphere could be effected to such a degree that a many number of satellites might fall to earth at the same time. Be it rock, a ball of ice, or a man-made satellite, they all burn during re-entry the same way; one big ball of fire.
Don’t forget to look up new posts and theories on Doomsday by clicking on the Doomsday Category from the categories link at the top left of the page.
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Don’t forget to look up new posts and theories on Doomsday by clicking on the Bigfoot Category from the top left link.

January 26
The Why and the What For?I consider myself to be a simple but intelligent person. I believe that curiosity is the key to living, and that if you stopped being curious what would be the point to life? I have an interest in cryptozoology, paranormal and the mysteries of the universe. As the number of shows in these genres have grown, my disappoint in the investigation techniques grew, too. Some shows, like Destination Truth, perform excellent and detailed investigations. Other shows, like Finding Bigfoot, lack greatly in the use of scientific method.
It is due in part to the Finding Bigfoot show, that I have chosen to create this site. Thru Twitter, I proposed several theories to the “scientist” of the team on ways to find evidence. The “scientist” responded rudely and labeled me as theorizing incessantly (details will be posted on the Bigfoot page). How could a scientist, who by definition needs to create a theory according to scientific method, say that someone theorized too much? Many theories in the scientific world cannot be field researched immediately. Sometimes, the person with the theory does not have the means to conduct the investigation. This was the reason I had proposed my theories to this “scientist” who was actively investigating Bigfoot. I proposed my theories to spur them onto a new thought pattern, a new lead for investigation. Instead, I was dismissed as simply being an armchair quarterback that didn’t know what I was talking about because I had never gone out to look for bigfoot. With the realization that there may be others like myself, I created this site for the dismissed and thrown aside to discuss intelligently about different subjects in our universe. I created a place for people “To Theorize Incessantly.”