February 13
Bigfoot – Why not more Alaskan Research?When researchers discuss Bigfoot sightings, they almost exclusively talk about the northwestern United States, Washington and Oregon area. I wondered why there was not more talk about Alaska, a place with over 650,000 square miles and vast wilderness doesn’t have more Bigfoot sightings? Perhaps it is because of the uniqueness of way of life in Alaska that offsets the ability to have Bigfoot sightings. You see, in Alaska, people are used to living in areas with large animals. Alaska is home to the largest bear population in the United States, and is home to the largest of the deer family, the moose. Wildlife, as is common knowledge, is plentiful here. As such, Alaskans are especially careful when going out into the wilderness. In bear country, we make sure to make plenty of noise by singing, talking loudly, and clapping. This bear safety basic is to help alert any bears in the area, “Hey bear, here comes a human, get out-of-the-way.” Bears are often shy creatures and will move when hearing people come. With Bigfoot an even shyier creature and more stealthy, they would have no problem avoiding an encounter.
Imagine if an Alaskan did see a Bigfoot. Unless they were in feet of it, they would probably just dismiss it as a bear. Many Alaskans believe that Bigfoot sightings in Washington and Oregon are just misidentified bears. Since we see bears so often, we might find it hard to believe something we see was anything but a bear.
Coyotes and wolves are also very plentiful in Alaska. Coyote cries are often heard even near towns. When I watch the Finding Bigfoot show, I believe they are misidentified coyotes cries, which can sound like someone screaming or wailing, and not the typical howl. Of course, if an Alaskan hears a cry or howl in the woods, we would be more apt to believe it was a bear, wolf, or coyote before thinking it was a Bigfoot.
Perspective plays a large part in Bigfoot research. If you live in an area in which you don’t believe there is a lot of wildlife out there, you might be more apt to believe something strange was Bigfoot. However, if you live in an area where you frequently see wildlife, then you might be more apt to believe something strange you saw was a normal animal and not a Bigfoot. An Alaskan camping in the woods and hearing something rustle around their tent, or seeing a big shadow hover over their tent will probably think it is a bear. But what if it was really a Bigfoot. Alaskans often know that bear tracks often over lap. But what if a track wasn’t an overlapped bear print. My point is that I believe more research teams need to come to Alaska. Hike out to the wilderness, off the beaten path, and research the dense wilderness here. If researchers talk to local hunters more, and ask them to record and photograph anything odd they find, more Alaskans might realize that what they are hearing, and seeing, just might not be the usual animals. In theory, what if Alaskans have misidentified Bigfoot?
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7 Responses to “ Bigfoot – Why not more Alaskan Research? ”

Perhaps the reason people don’t go looking for Bigfoot in Alaska is because it’s so big. Think of it this way. You have reported sightings of Bigfoot in smaller to search areas versus no sightings in bigger vast stretches of forest. If I was looking for Bigfoot I wails take the easier route.
Excellent point, but there are sightings in relatively easy to access areas. In fact there is a group of reports from the Mat-Su area. Remember though, that Alaska’s vast wilderness could actually be a plus. If they aren’t used to humans in the area, AND they are territorial as some people believe, then that could spur on interaction with Bigfoot. The interesting part of my theory though, is what if some of the bear reports here, aren’t bears. What if they are bigfoot? And you can’t use isolation as a reason not to investigate. Josh Gates proved that to not be a factor when he found what he believed to be a footprint in the Himalayans. They hiked for a whole day to the mountain valley.
I have to admit, PO, bears make me a little nevrous. We’ve lived in “bear country” over the years in several mountain communities on the mainland. There are places I’d love to have hiked but never did. The grizzly has now migrated here to the Island but not down as far south as we are yet. Whew! Hmmm, I wonder if they can swim as fast as we can paddle. I think the polar bear can! Duncan.
It is sometimes brown or red other times black depdienng on what time of the night it’s seen, how badly pixilated and grainy the camera is or the BAC of the photographer at the time. That’s it so there you have it the secret is out Sasquatch is A SHAKEY, BLURRY land animal. ME: Some believe that they have a natural ability to “blur” themselves. A Predator movie type effect.
Blog is good!:) Perhaps you learn me blog myself?? ME: nope, not here to teach blogging.
What were your results?